My baby: exploring the world

With 10 months completed and having overcome the stage of separation anguish (at least the crises are no longer as intense), My baby has discovered a whole world within her reach beyond her mother.

He has perfected his crawling skills, he is already on all fours throughout the house, faster and faster.

But his specialty is not only the earth, but he has also dabbled in the water, as you can see in the photo, eager to get into the pool, which he enjoys as crazy.

A few days ago it was introduced into life on two legs. Using the furniture, he learned to stand up, although he still feels afraid to take steps because he does not know how to rest his own weight on one foot.

His new vision of the world has made me take all the precautions in terms of security at home, because in a second he is able to make a big mess or more dangerous things like getting in the mouth from buttons to stones, leaves, paper and everything That is on the road.

For the rest, I can tell you that she is very nice, she laughs all day, makes palmitas and dances when she hears music. He has two teeth down and they have already cut off the two upper blades that appear, making it look very funny.

He is learning to repeat sounds. Although he doesn't say understandable words, he identifies and copies the sounds. At any moment I am surprised with his first "mom", that no matter how much anyone believes me, I am convinced that he already has his own way of saying it, sounds similar and always makes the same sound to call me.

He still hates changing my diaper by twisting like a worm when I do it, he has great ability with his fingers, tries to catch my moles and manages to hunt ants between his thumb and forefinger, which luckily I have avoided until now that he puts them in his mouth .

And of course she is delighted that her sister is on vacation because she has continuous fun all day, so if they do not see me so often on the blog it is because they do not stop for a minute and between the two they have me too busy.

Video: Akki. my 1 year old baby. exploring the world (May 2024).