Avoid risks to reduce the likelihood of premature delivery

Premature births are the cause of death and health complications of thousands of babies every year.

In the United States there is a foundation called March of Dimes that among other programs, has a campaign in conjunction with other organizations, to raise awareness among the female population that they should avoid risks during pregnancy that may increase the likelihood that it will end in preterm birth. Since it is true that premature birth cannot always be avoided, taking some measures decreases the probability of occurrence.

According to statistics handled by the March of Dimes, the rate of premature births increased by 29% in the United States in the last 20 years.

The campaign seeks to raise public awareness, both in the measures that can be taken to avoid it, such as receiving prenatal care and quitting smoking to reduce the risk, as well as in making known which groups are most exposed to premature birth according to experts, such as multiple pregnancies, women who have had a preterm child previously and those with certain abnormalities at the level of the cervix.

In Babies and more, we have already referred before to the measures that should be taken to prevent the risk of premature delivery, which is very important to keep in mind when getting pregnant.

Video: Considerations and Strategies to Help Prevent Preterm Birth (May 2024).