The biological clock does not deceive

As much as we weigh, the woman's biological clock It cannot be delayed.

Nature sets its own unalterable rhythm, which we are seeing being somewhat outdated for the current times.

Dr. Esther Velilla, director of the Embryonic Medicine Center has given very interesting and realistic data in a course taught a few days ago in Madrid.

According to the expert, at 35 years 40% of embryos are defective, at 38 years 65%, and at 41 years they are 80%.

He explained that women are born with an established amount of oocytes that is decreasing over the years. At puberty we have about 300,000 of which we lose approximately one thousand per cycle.

Thus we reach 35 years with just 10% of the ovules with which we were born that have lower quality due to the passage of time, that is, many prevent a healthy embryo from developing.

He noted that "it is common for a woman between 38 and 40 years has already depleted the pool of eggs capable of giving rise to a healthy child", which does not mean that you can not have healthy children at 35, but it does there is increased risk of genetic abnormalities.

Although it is difficult for us to recognize it, women who are approaching those ages and those who already have it see how our reproductive capacity is decreasing without being able to do much about it.

If the way of life follows the current trend in which to be parents before the age of 30 is practically a utopia, it would not be surprising that in a few years the pregnancies by assisted reproduction are more frequent than the natural ones.

As things stand, the great invention of the century will be a drug capable of delaying the reproductive age of women.

It will be normal for women to become mothers at the age that they should be grandmothers, who are already seeing coming. The world upside down.

Video: What Makes You Tick: Circadian Rhythms (May 2024).