Minuts Menuts, punctual nurseries for children from 0 to 3 years in Catalonia

The Department of Social Action and Citizenship of the Generalitat de Catalunya will begin next October a pilot test that will be extended until December of a new service that aims to facilitate work and family conciliation.

Under the name “Minuts Menuts”, specific nurseries are going to be enabled in spaces created or enabled for early childhood, these centers will take care of children 0 and 3 years old during certain hours in case of unforeseen events or need to make arrangements in which they can not lead to their children, being the minimum age of the baby of 16 weeks. This service, which will remain open from Monday to Friday from 12 noon to 2 pm and 3 pm to 8 pm, will welcome children up to three hours in a row and only twice a week. Parents must pay one euro for every hour that their little one spends in “Minuts Menuts” and bring everything the little ones may need, food, diapers, etc. They will only have a minimum of recreational objects.

At the moment, the pilot test will be conducted in eleven locations in Catalonia, Castellvell del Camp, Reus and El Vendrell (Tarragona), Celrà (Girona), in Esplugues de Llobregat, Manlleu, Sabadell, Terrassa, Vilanova and la Geltrú (Barcelona), and La Seu d'Urgell and in the Pallars Jussà (Lleida). After the three months that will last, the results will be valued and extended to more municipalities.

This service is funded by the City Council of each locality, the Department of Family Policies and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.