Daily sex to have children

If a few days ago we talked about the best sexual positions to achieve pregnancy, today we focus on what is the Recommended frequency to make love if we are looking for a baby.

The generalized belief, at least as far as I knew, was based on the fact that it was preferable to do it every two or three days to achieve a better concentration of sperm and therefore have a better chance of conceiving, however a last study done by land this myth.

Scientists at the University of Sydney analyzed the sperm pattern of 42 men (42 is a significant number?) Of which all who had daily sexual intercourse minus five showed less sperm DNA damage compared to those who abstained for 2 0 3 days In other words, the former had a higher quality of sperm capable of conceiving.

On the other hand, they found that an abstention of more than 5 days can be counterproductive because sperm quality decreases considerably.

The study is in preliminary phase and according to some experts should not be interpreted in general terms as they clarify that each man has his own pattern of sperm behavior. Depending on the genetic quality of your sperm and its quantity, for some, a few days' withdrawal may be beneficial while for others it may not.

But the truth is that contrary to what was believed, the study has shown that the quality of sperm in men with difficulties to conceive increased in cases in which the relationships were daily, so if you take time with the rhythm from "two not one yes" and there is no good result maybe it is a good idea to move on to the phase "one yes and two too". Of course, it is also essential to know the period of maximum fertility of women.

We'll see if better conclusions are reached to find the perfect formula, but I don't think it exists.

Video: Teen Rescued During Sex Trafficking Sting - Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (May 2024).