Spina bifida cases increase

Yesterday was celebrated on International Spina Bifida Day, which for those who do not know it is the most common congenital neural tube defect that occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy.

On the occasion of the celebration, the Association of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus of Alicante (Aebha) commented that in the last five years there has been a considerable increase in the number of parents with children affected by this malformation who approach the organization to seek advice.

When a father was just approaching in the past decade, they say that at least three to four new cases arrive here at least five years ago.

It is unfortunate that disinformation is causing an increase in these cases, because it is an easily preventable disease. We have talked on the blog about the importance of prenatal consultation before planning a pregnancy in which among other things a woman is prescribed a complement of folic acid, an essential vitamin that helps prevent this neural tube defect.

It is very important that you take this precaution before looking for a baby because it is a malformation that occurs in the early stages of embryo development when many times we do not even know that we are pregnant.

And starting to take it once we know we are pregnant may be late as a preventive measure.

The recommended daily dose is 400 micrograms and should be taken at least one month before conception until your doctor determines it, which at least in my case was during six months of pregnancy.

One of the claims of parents of children affected with spina bifida is that it is considered a chronic disease, which in fact it is, so we hope that their requests will be heard so that their children can have a better quality of life.