Super bacteria, a new threat among the child population

As we have mentioned on some occasion, rare or tropical diseases appear in countries where they did not occur as a result of climate change, but to this threat we must add others that we have not talked about and that are related to viruses and bacteria.

The continued use of antibiotics improperly for years has allowed some microorganisms to mutate and become much more resistant to the action of antibiotics, they have become what scientists call super bacteria.We talk about Staphylococcus Aureus, a microorganism that was only found in hospitals and is now roaming among the population. It mainly affects children, by presenting a less mature immune system, they are targets of this new strain of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Among some of the health problems that this bacterium can produce is necrotizing pneumonia, a disease that destroys lung tissue and causes up to 60% mortality among those who suffer from it.

Although scientists cannot explain why these microorganisms especially attack children, the hypothesis that it is transmitted more among children is shuffled because they are more likely to suffer some small injuries as a result of their games, since one of the routes of transmission It is through wounds. We can be carriers of a super bacterium capable of withstanding extreme environmental conditions and its high transmission possibilities profile it as a real danger.

Scientists have been meeting for some time to try to find solutions to the danger ahead, not only are these microorganisms, new strains of other diseases are developing with a special resistance to antibiotics and with much more virulence than the original strains .