32 minutes a day: the time that mothers and fathers have in the day for themselves

The day has 24 hours for everyone, but depending on your lifestyle, sometimes those 24 hours we have are not enough to finish everything we needed or had not proposed to do. When we have children, it is normal that our free time or leisure is something that looks reduced, because now we have other responsibilities to fulfill.

But have you ever wondered how much time you dedicate for yourself a day since becoming a father or mother? According to a recent survey, the time we have for ourselves when we are parents is very little.

I don't know if it happens to many mothers or fathers, but sometimes I think about what I did before when I had so much free time. I had my job, I visited my family, but I also had full afternoons and weekends to do what I wanted: reading, resting, going to the movies, traveling, and so on.

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When we have children things change and our lifestyle becomes more accelerated, there are a thousand and one pending to be done each day and it seems that A skill arose in us that we had asleep: better manage time and do as many things as possible in the least amount of minutes possible.

And although we are developing and mastering that skill when it comes to better managing family schedules, sometimes we leave aside that precious time for us and that can do us a lot of good. After all, we are human beings with needs and also those moments of relaxation, rest or leisure, help us feel better.

How much time do you spend a day for yourself since you became a mom or dad? According to a survey conducted in the United States, on average those of us who have children only dedicate or have 32 minutes a day for us.

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The survey was conducted by a company called Munchery, which offers the service of delivering full meals at home for those families who do not have time to cook, and among other things, found that most families do not have time to cook because of their working hours.

Although the purpose of the survey was to promote the service provided by that company, the results of the survey show us that, as expected, fathers and mothers we have little time for ourselves during the day.

Perhaps we should pay more attention, and look for ways to make time for ourselves, because also our well-being and rest should be a priority.