Cut the umbilical cord, a possibility for the father

Fortunately, the role of the father in childbirth is increasingly important. In such a special and magical moment, it is natural and very comforting for them to participate as much as possible, helping and supporting the mother, but also enjoying this experience.

If mothers with all the effort and physical condition enjoy the birth of a baby, what the parents will not enjoy. One more way to get involved in the process of the arrival of a child could be cut the umbilical cord, thus welcoming him to this world, acting as a teacher who begins a small life in the task of breathing.

In the case of a home birth, if there are no complications, it is within the reach of the father to perform this gesture. In the hospital centers, it will depend on the team that attends the delivery. And although not in all cases it is possible (read a caesarean section or the use of instruments as forceps), nor do they allow it in many delivery rooms, is a possibility.

This moment should have a special significance, of welcome to the world, of welcome, of involvement in a path that now begins strongly for the father. It is a way of feeling more involved in the birth of your child, at the same time as a gesture of responsibility and commitment in their upbringing.

The cut of the umbilical cord is a moment of great significance and already in the ancient civilizations it was a ritual. Also today this act can acquire a deep sense of socialization of the child and help to take the father a greater awareness of his role as such.

And besides, of course, it will make the father feel more useful and important in childbirth. ¡¡Another issue is that the father dares!

In any case, let's not forget that not all hospitals offer or allow this system by system. There are also midwives who leave the father touch the cord before it stops beating, which also means a unique experience.