What is a dad? A nice congratulation

A dad is many things and it can constitute roles and definitions as different as there are parents. Also in each mother the father will mean different feelings and will have his own perception of what it is, what he would like it to be or what a father should be.

Even, in each stage a father will vary in his essence and in his consideration by the rest and himself. I liked these words that try to describe what a father is, because they talk about many things: games, reason, emotion, courage ... And above all he says that "A dad has a lot of mom".

Perhaps in this definition of "dad" that follows some readers are reflected, even mothers who read us see their parents in that dad and wish to send it to them as a cybernetic greeting for father's day. Next, a dad is this, and much more:

A dad, what is called dad, is a superman, because he can promptly answer a question about Biology, followed by a Mathematics question. Is a super hero who disguises himself as Superman and reveals himself waiting for his children to return from the party.

A dad is a strange combination of reason and feelings, he is the one who knows how to say no when it is fair and knows how to say yes when it is convenient. A dad stomps hard when he does his duty and tiptoes at night, sheltering cold bodies. It is the only one in the house that chases a mouse until it catches it, even if it dies of fear inside. A dad is a fig that seems hard on the outside and is pure sweet inside, is an orchestra conductor, is the builder of a nest, is the teacher of the school of life. Parents have a wallet full of photos, cards, phones, appointments, commitments, less money. A dad has a lot of mom Even if it has a man's body. If you have to change diapers, change them, when the son cries, he is the shelter, when the son laughs, he is the company. To be a father is to play the role of king in life, not of a kingdom; if not of love, understanding and reason.

Video: New Born Baby Wishes: Newborn Baby Congratulations Messages and Wishes to Parent and Loved Ones (May 2024).