Emollients for premature skin as a protective barrier

In Babies and more we have talked extensively about premature babies. We have commented on some treatments aimed at improving the development of premature babies.

We have talked, for example, about the use of magnesium sulfate to reduce the risk of cerebral palsy, also of caffeine to regulate breathing as well as to prevent neurological deterioration or the use of probiotics to treat necrotizing enterocolitis.

But we have never talked about the importance of taking care of the skin of premature babies to avoid possible complications. The skin is the most extensive organ of the body that acts as a barrier of protection against external aggressions.

In premature babies, the skin is very delicate. Therefore, the health of the skin barrier It is essential to protect them from bacteria, as well as dryness or heat loss, since they regulate body temperature through the skin.

Pediatrics has published a study conducted in Bangladesh with very premature infants born before the 33rd week of gestation. The authors of the study have concluded that applying emollients such as sunflower seed oil or Aquaphor ointment reduces cases of sepsis and skin infections and therefore, death rates.

They found that the oil is not only beneficial for the skin but that the researchers go further by stating that it also acts as a protective barrier by penetrating the bloodstream and gastrointestinal tract.

On the other hand, and this is the part I like most about encouraging skin-to-skin contact in premature babies, scientists have realized that massage when applying the oil has a beneficial effect on premature babies.

We will be awaiting future research about premature babies and especially the techniques that promote human contact with babies.

Video: Dr. Oz Shares Tips To Fight Wrinkles and Protect The Skin. TODAY (May 2024).