Children's spaces on television about the responsible use of water

Now with the summer there is more time to watch TV, or to go zapping, and I have crossed several times with a pleasant surprise addressed to the smallest of the house.

Is about a space of short duration, called "Long live the water" and sponsored by Ariel. They are cartoons in which the protagonists are children who learn how to be responsible for the use of such a scarce good, water.

Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, fill the washing machine, do not let the water run so that it comes out fresh but have a bottle in the fridge ... In that animation format you will probably reach the children who see it at home.

It is good that spaces of this style are emitted, in the style of the drawings of the friendly Fluvi, so that the children feel that it is an aspect in which they have much to act.

What I do not like it that much It is that precisely these spaces I have seen them emitted just before and after a series as "Father of family", some cartoons that are not recommended for children and that certainly continue to be broadcast during children's hours ...

Anyway, despite the bad choice of the moment they are issued short, hopefully, if not a child is watching TV at that time, at least some adult is aware through these tips that care for the environment.