"Menudo Arte", website for small artists

How good it is to stimulate the artistic sensibility of the smallest of the house, the sooner the better, and from the most diverse areas: a book, photographs, paintings, visits to a museum, observe the sculptures of the park, stop at their drawings, Encourage them to paint, model ...

The Internet also offers a space to bring them closer to the world of art. Menudo Arte is the children's supplement of the electronic magazine "Arte y Mercado", which aims to serve as stimulation of children's creation and bringing children closer to the artistic world.

On the web they refer us to a lot of interesting links, where you can learn data about painters like Picasso, or coloring drawings inspired by the great painter, and find out all the news related to art throughout Spain.

Do not miss the sections designed to teach children to paint in the style of the most famous artists, or to create their own contemporary art painting or all the proposals in the section on hobbies.

Children's activities in museums, children's workshops, artistic projects for children, school activities ... are other content that we find on this website so that nothing related to the world of art can escape us.

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Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).