Breech may be hereditary

So far, the reason why a baby comes from buttocks and not from the head seemed to be due to chance, perhaps to the baby's preferences for comfort.

A new study indicates that the tendency to be born from buttocks is hereditary and that it can come from both the mother and the father.

Norwegian researchers analyzed the births of 2.2 million babies and found that both boys and girls who were born on buttocks were more than twice as likely to have their children born in the same way.

The male born of buttocks transmits genes to his son that predispose him to be born in the same way, while in the case of women, other genes related to the physical complexion such as the size and shape of the hips or uterine malformations

Although at the moment it cannot be taken as a decisive factor to relate the position in which we come to the world with a genetic cause, the study is the initial kick to deepen the subject.

Experts recommend that doctors find out how the father and mother were born to contribute to better pregnancy planning. In the case of coming from the buttocks, the doctor will evaluate whether vaginal delivery or external cephalic rotation is viable before resorting to a caesarean section.

Video: C Section Birth Breech (May 2024).