Guide to make your own Delivery Plan (part one)

In Babies and more we have sometimes talked about the reasons to make a Delivery Plan. They are increasingly common and the hospitals themselves accept them in a significantly more positive way than a few years ago. However, we always have doubts Can I make my own birth plan? Exactly what to put? Should I do it?

I will try to answer these questions.

He Delivery Plan It is a manifestation of your written will to consent or not to consent to the medical interventions that are proposed to you. It is therefore a legally valid manifestation and is in compliance with all laws regarding patient rights.

So if we are going to say that we want and that we do not want to be done in our birth, we must first be clear about this. What birth do we want to have? It is the fundamental question that we must ask ourselves. You do not have to want a completely natural birth or to deny the epidural to do your Delivery Plan The essential thing is that you have information to decide responsibly.

Do you want to apply synthetic oxytocin by protocol? And the epidural? The position of the delivery, the possibility of moving and eating, internal monitoring, shaving, enema, episotomy, all these issues can be included. Y after delivery You can also say if you want breastfeeding to start in the delivery room, if you want to have no examination of the baby away from you or if you do not want to have certain examinations or tests.

There are two things we have to know before we start. The first is that whatever we write in the Birth Plan we can change it at any time expressing our will. That you do not want a protocol action does not prevent you from accessing later. But if you don't say it before, maybe a routine you don't want to follow would apply. That is why it is important to make the Birth Plan and be very well informed. After all, it is your body and it is your son. The responsibility is yours.

The second is that it will be extremely important that your partner or the person who will accompany you understand everything you are going to ask for and is committed to defending your will and rights. At the time of delivery we cannot enter into controversy and we are very vulnerable to any comments that make us fear for the child. That is why your companion must know well what you want, what are the cases in which to accept something that you initially did not accept, and always, always be by your side and your side. That is why it is convenient that you write the Birth Plan together.

In the next installment we will talk about fundamental rights of the pregnant and parturient, so you can include their mention in your Delivery Plan.

Video: How To Write a Business Plan To Start Your Own Business (May 2024).