Kangaroo Net, Internet security filtering

As we know, the good use of the Internet depends on many factors, and although family education is essential, the use of certain external tools facilitates the work of inappropriate content on the Internet is beyond the reach of children of the house

Technology offers us various programs that can help us a lot and one of the Filtering software that we have in the market is Kangaroo Net, which in Spain is sold by Telefónica and is affordable and effective.

What this type of programs seeks is to filter the content of the pages that we access on the Internet. Properly configured, they deny access to many places with poor content for minors or inconvenient for their development (racism, violence, drugs, pornography, sects, anorexia, chance ...).

The filtering can also include any type of communication that contains files in certain formats (Mp3, or Avi or Zip ...).

The program works by means of a semantic analyzer, detecting online if the page accessed belongs to one of the restricted categories, and some predefined protection lines, that is, previously classified address sets According to its content.

The service also offers the user to provide Internet page addresses that are not included in the list system and therefore are not filtering them. The Telefónica staff will verify this data and classify these pages in the corresponding category.

There are also some advanced versions of this system if we want to block advertising or if we want to expand the list of categories to avoid.

There is a margin of error, where inappropriate content can be cast, but it is certainly much more difficult for this to happen if we have such a filtering program.

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