Waterbirth Vessel: the latest technology for water births

The benefits of water birth are increasingly recognized. It helps to relax the muscles, to relieve the pain of contractions and to soften the tissues of the perineum to favor the baby's exit, in addition to being very pleasant.

The majority of women who have given birth at home have done so in much more rudimentary pools than the one we see above called Waterbirth Vessel that has all the technological advances in the service of natural childbirth.

It is created so that the mother and the baby feel comfortable at such an important moment. It has an adjustable seat for the moment of delivery and also another for the couple, a lot of space for women to have freedom of movement and a hydrotherapy system with programmed back massagers, which at that time is much appreciated because they help relieve pains.

Of course, I'm glad that high technology is applied not only to gadgets but to make the moment of the birth of a child happier. I have no idea the price of the pool, it sure won't be cheap, but it would be great to start seeing it in hospitals. Some have already cheered up with the expansion bathtubs. Will it be too much to ask?

Video: Low-intervention birth: Some women using nitrous oxide for pain (July 2024).