Hirkani's daughters: a book about working and breastfeeding

The International Milk League, an organization dedicated to the promotion of breastfeeding, has published a very nice book that we have not yet talked about in the blog.

Its titled The Daughters of Hirkani: Women who climbed modern mountains to combine breastfeeding and work. To understand a little better what the book is about, we have to start by talking about Hirkani, an ancient tale from India.

Hirkani was a woman who worked as a milk distributor and mother of a baby she was breastfeeding. His story, which is explained in the book, happened 400 years ago in the mountains of India, but it is very similar to the daily stories that many working mothers who breastfeed their children live today. The beautiful story of which he is the protagonist moves to the current women to talk about the difficulties that the mothers who work outside the home are going through and choose to continue breastfeeding their children.

The book collects some stories of lactating working women from Latin America and Spain that stimulate many mothers.

In its pages you can also find information and practical advice on how to make breastfeeding compatible and work, about which I think that companies should offer many more facilities.

The most interesting thing is that the book can be downloaded for free in pdf format.

Of course, a highly recommended reading that will help mothers who go through that trance.