The attraction for alcohol in adolescence, programmed from the womb

It is not known for sure how much the amount of alcohol that the mother consumes during pregnancy can influence, but what is known is that it is not recommended under any point of view to drink alcohol because of the health consequences it may have of the baby in gestation.

But on top of that, a study has found that the attraction for alcohol in adolescence could come programmed from the womb.

They have found an "important relationship" between the mother's alcohol consumption during pregnancy and the child's attraction to this substance at puberty.

It is not the first study that talks about this. A little over a year ago we published that babies can acquire a taste for alcohol before birth and that they remain in them during their childhood and adolescence.

It would be similar to what happens with tobacco. Pregnant smokers predestinate their children to be smokers at an early age. In the case of alcohol, researchers have done a study with rats and have found that exposure to ethanol during pregnancy predisposes an attraction to the smell of the substance in adolescence and to interact with other intoxicated animals, more than those who have not been exposed to the substance

Scientists at Upstate Medical University believe that ethanol helps develop the sense of smell so that the subject finds its smell more attractive. Exposure to alcohol during pregnancy, both in rats and humans, changes the perception of its smell and taste.

It does not mean that all mothers who drink during pregnancy will have children who drink during their teens. As a teenager drinker can leave when the mother has not tried a drop of alcohol in her life, but there is greater attraction to the substance when it has been exposed to it during pregnancy.

Whether we think in the short or long term, the conclusion is zero alcohol during pregnancy. During pregnancy it is detrimental to the healthy development of the baby and if we are predisposing him to be attracted to him during a stage of his life as vulnerable as adolescence, the most sensible thing is to get away from alcoholic beverages during pregnancy.

Video: Healing illness with the subconscious mind. Danna Pycher. TEDxPineCrestSchool (May 2024).