How to change the baby's diaper

Although it may seem silly to explain step by step how a baby's diaper is changed, I am sure that many new mothers and fathers will thank me.

Becoming parents does not imply the diaper change lesson. We have all learned based on trial and error, but a friendly advice is never too much.

Therefore, here is an instruction on how to change a diaper step by step.

    1. Place the baby on a safe, solid and comfortable surface. We can resort to changing furniture, mattresses to place on top of a table or even change it on a bed (eye with the edges).
    1. Have all the necessary materials at hand. That is, the wipes, the cream and the new diaper. We must keep in mind that you cannot leave the baby alone for a second, so we need to have everything at your fingertips.
    1. Remove the dirty diaper and clean the baby's culete with a damp cloth. There are different brands, for different skin types, with and without perfume, with and without cream, etc. Special attention should be paid to possible skin reactions such as diaper rash and if the baby is very small there are special wipes for very delicate skin.

You can also use a cotton swab dipped in water to clean the culete or in case of calcareous oil, an emulsion for cleaning the butt that protects while avoiding scalds and irritations. It does not exist in all countries (I had it brought to me) and is ideal for cleaning the baby's first pasty cups without rubbing the skin. It also forms an oily film that keeps the skin hydrated and insulates moisture.

    1. If it is a girl, you should always clean from front to back, that is, from the vagina to the anus, to avoid possible infections.

If it is a child, you have to clean the penis like the rest of the area without trying to force the separation between the glans and the foreskin that can take months and even years to occur.

    1. Apply a special moisturizer to change the baby's diaper. Do not place too much and must be spread in the crotch and around the anus (be careful with the vagina). There are also all kinds of brands and brands. The only secret is to test which one works best for your baby. I have already found mine: Lutsine from Eryplast, a healing cream, when you have irritated skin and a moisturizer, I like Mustela's or Jhonson's, for every diaper change.
    1. Once we have everything ready, just proceed to place the diaper clean. The back part (usually the one that does not have cartoons, which incorporates the strips) is placed under the baby's bottom and the front part is raised between the legs. Once we have placed at the same height the back and front is fastened using the self-adhesive tapes that it brings to both sides. The key is to adjust it just right, regardless of redundancy. Do not squeeze too much to hurt the gut but also leave it too loose so that there may be leaks.

In these simple steps I have explained how to change baby's diaper with an affectionate combination of common sense and personal experience. I hope it serves first-time parents and those who need to review it.

Of course, remember that in addition to a routine of grooming, changing diapers is an ideal time to share pampering, massage and games with your baby.