Tips to avoid childhood obesity

Childhood obesity is one of the great ills of the population today. It is one of the issues related to food that most worries parents because it can cause serious problems for the health of children, both physical and psychological. From cardiovascular diseases or diabetes to disorders in their psychological development are some of the consequences of suffering an uncontrolled weight.

It is very important to start fighting overweight from birth by instilling healthy lifestyle habits in children since they are very young. Following some behavior patterns we can avoid childhood obesity in our children.

It is worrying that more than 20% of children between 3 and 12 years are overweight. Therefore, we will list some tips to follow to prevent it, such as:

  • Adopt healthy eating habits: a balanced diet is the basis of a good diet. Parents are responsible for instilling in children a proper diet and sometimes we are the first to change the chip. Following the guidelines of the children's food pyramid, their nutritional needs will be met. Always keep in mind these simple keys to proper infant feeding.

  • Doing physical activity: Exercise, along with a balanced diet, is key to preventing childhood obesity. It is decisive when it comes to preventing it. Experts recommend at least 15 minutes of moderate or intense physical activity to keep overweight away. The pyramid of physical activity for children advises moving every day, performing 3-5 times per week at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise and 2-3 times per week exercise to enhance flexibility and strength.

  • Avoid sedentary lifestyle: We already know that inactivity predisposes to overweight. Television has a great impact on bad eating habits in children, it is one of the great enemies of childhood obesity. It is very important to turn it off at lunchtime and sit at the table. In any case, it is advised that children do not stay more than 2 hours a day in front of the television, computer or video game console.

  • Lead by example: It is necessary to change our own habits to have healthier children. If children see us inactive and feeding us incorrectly, we are not giving a good model to reflect on. It is no use "do what I say but not what I do." We must set a good example and surely we will all benefit. Exercising as a family is something very advisable that also contributes to the family union.

  • Share the family table: Some research indicates that children who eat with parents consume healthier foods. It is important to share the table with the children at least once a day both to control what they eat and to make mealtime a pleasant and relaxed moment. It is also an ideal exercise to enhance family communication and meet the personal needs of each family member.


Video: Preventing Childhood Obesity (May 2024).