Traveling with babies: by car

It is time to leave traveling with our baby and to ride the car to take the road.

As we always advise, better to plan a bit to avoid possible unforeseen events. To do this, our car trip is presented as a challenge to cope with. On many occasions it usually ends in a chaotic succession of disorder, troubles, boredom and fights (in the same or different order of appearance).

To make the trip by car as placid as possible, we suggest from here some small tips.

Plan the route

Before leaving home to the chosen destination, let's look for information on the state of the main routes. Let's study alternatives to see if we are opting for the best option. Remember that many factors affect the time and cost of a car trip (tolls, gasoline, etc.) and that the shortest route is not always the best.

Organize the itinerary following the family's requirements. Now we are three (or more) and the time and distance that an adult can take while sitting in a car is not adequate for the new family member.

Let's leave early, avoiding the hottest hours and trying to get the children to take a nap in the car. In my case, we usually leave almost at dawn when we make long journeys. My daughters pass from the bed to the car almost without realizing it and there they continue their sleep for a long time (pajamas and pillow included). So when they wake up, the trip has been shortened by at least an hour.

Let's take advantage of the rest areas on most routes so that everyone stretches their legs, runs, takes a breath, eats and drinks something and thus it will be easier to gain their attention for the next leg. It is advisable to make stops every 200 km of route traveled.

Remember that travel is not the only way to get there. It must become a good family experience and be the beginning and end of a relaxing time for everyone. Let's enjoy the road and, if there is a possibility, let's always choose a landscape route that will arouse the interest and admiration of adults and children.

Let's do a little "study" about the populations in our path. Maybe we can match a stop with a visit to a park or a short walk to the historic center. It is not a question of extending the trip too much, but of making it more enjoyable for everyone.


Although it sounds repetitive, we will not get tired of remembering that children should travel in the restraint system corresponding to their age and that they should go with the seat belt at all times.


When we travel with slightly older children, parents fear we are asked: "still a long way?", because invariably yes, much is missing.

Another difficult moment of the car trip is when we hear: "I'm getting bored" or the fights begin in the back seat.

When traveling with a baby, we should not forget that they also feel boredom, boredom or tiredness and that we must provide the best conditions for them to cope with the trip.

Trying to keep the meal and sleep schedule is complicated, but not impossible. Giving them a relaxed, fresh and protected from the sun helps, no doubt. The presence of mom or dad in the back seat next to the baby will give you security and entertain you. If, in addition, you feel comfortable (let's put on baggy and fresh clothes) and accompanied, the trip is very likely to be a success.

With older children we have more entertainment options: from traditional games, to electronic games and to those we invent when we are on the verge of despair.

When traveling by car with our baby, we must not forget to bring your favorite stuffed animal or toy. There are many models of children's entertainment systems on the market, similar to those we can have at home or carry in the baby's cart. Mirrors, dolls, rattles, bites and many more soft, safe and colored objects to arouse your attention.

DVD movies are another alternative not negligible. Traveling with Disney princesses or sharing a road trip with Winnie the Pooh will be a fun reason for the little one and rest for daddies. Songs and sleight of hand are a classic that always results.

Do not forget

A change of clothes for the toddler. The sway of the route can cause a spill of drink or food on the child. In that case, let's stop immediately. It is better to lose a few minutes in a safe place to change it than to try to continue in bad conditions.

Drink and food in necessary quantity according to the route. A small refrigerator will help us keep food, water, milk, etc. fresh. If we are going to prepare a meal for the whole family, it will be better to look for a rest area or a safe place to determine and eat with peace of mind. The sandwiches prepared in the skirt, while we are still in a hurry on the road, will only bring us fights and stains.

A sturdy plastic bag, in case any of the passengers get more dizzy from the bill with the trip.

And let's not forget about Enjoy the trip. That riding in the car should not be a rally to get there faster. Let's leave with an expected arrival time, but not fixed. Let's adapt to the conditions of the road respecting the rules. And so we will make the journey by car, an integral part of the family travel experience.

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