Women freeze their eggs to give birth at age 40

It has long been known that the older a woman is, the harder it is to get pregnant. To be more specific, it is estimated that a woman in her 20s who is trying to get pregnant on her fertile days has a 25% chance of getting it, around 30 years has 15%, from 35 the possibilities decrease 8% and 3% from 38 years.

This means that many couples who decide to have children when the woman is over 35 years of age have serious problems conceiving and, even worse, many of them do not have any children.

To solve this there are two possible solutions: try to advance the moment of motherhood, to take advantage of the years of maximum fertility or make use of the advances of science, moving away from what nature has planned for us, and freeze fertile eggs to use at any time you want. This is the solution that the Quirón Clinic is offering in Bilbao, where there are already twelve women in treatment. These women are between 27 and 30 years old and their life project goes through being mothers from the age of 40. Apparently they are women (at least those who have opted for it for now) with a very high level of information, with high job aspirations who fear that a pregnancy will spoil their professional future.

The procedure is possible thanks to the vitrification of the ovules. This is an ultrafast freeze that allows the ovule to remain until the moment the mother decides to be a mother.

The clinic's medical director, Gorka Barrenetxea, says that when a woman goes to her clinic, she recommends, as a doctor, "To get pregnant now. Women are in the period of maximum fertility between 27 and 28 years of age. Generally speaking, a young mother has more physical faculties for parenting than an older person."

This is an important advance in terms of fertility, especially since the first intention of this method is to enable women who have been treated with chemotherapy, which often produces sterility, can be mothers.

As for women who choose to use these methods by choice, I think like Mr. Barrenetxea. I think that the younger the more physical capacity, the more energy and more proximity in terms of relationship parents have with their children. In fact, today I was commenting with my lady wife that with our second child we felt more tired than with the first and that we have not yet passed the 31 years.

It may also be that we now have two children, and not one. In any case, neither she nor I see ourselves raising our children in the same way as today with ten more years. But of course, this is our way of seeing fatherhood, motherhood and parenting.

What do you think of this new technique and what does it entail?

Video: Is egg freezing right for you? (May 2024).