Dads and moms blogs: weekly review

As we usually do every so often, we dive again the contents that we found in the blogs of dads and moms.

This week I discovered on the net a real gem, the blog Go through the mirror Violeta Alcocer, whose symbol is the photo you see on the right.

She is a clinical psychologist, a specialist in childhood, parenting and maternity and has posted an excellent article on limits on children in her blog. Absolutely recommended.

In Single mothers by choiceEva makes us step by step participants in her artificial fertilization process to become a mother. He tells us that this week he is ready for the embryo transfer. An interesting vision of a woman who has chosen the path of motherhood alone. For its part, in Daddy Rabbit- Mom LouseClau tells us with great detail how she witnessed the birth at home of her nephew Luciano. You can feel the great emotion he has felt at that time and know the point of view of a passive observer in a moment as transcendental as giving birth.

Finally, in Mimes and Tit a text about a very good comparison between sex and childbirth is reproduced by Ana Taguese Nogueira, president and coordinator of the NGO Amigas do Parto.

We will continue to look for more interesting content to review in future posts.

Video: When Dad surprises Mum for their wedding anniversary (May 2024).