Stress aggravates childhood asthma

Parents should pay special attention to the emotional health of children suffering from asthma, as researchers at the State University of New York in Buffalo have been able to verify. sad and stressful situations could aggravate asthmatic crises in children.

A study has been commissioned to analyze the effects of stress in children suffering from this respiratory disease and have noticed that children with asthma and symptoms of depression were more likely to have a greater resistance of the airways after experiencing a stressful situation.

When feeling affected by some circumstance that causes stress, the child's immune system reacts by creating a greater resistance of the airways and aggravating respiratory distress.

This demonstrates the extent to which the emotional situation of the children can influence their health and supports the version of certain research carried out previously that indicates that family stress could cause allergies in children. In this case I would confirm that it also aggravates them.

Given the increasing number of children suffering from childhood asthma, the most frequent disease in childhood, we should stop to think about the role that stress plays in the worsening of their symptoms.

Perhaps if we led a quieter family life and less exposed children to stressful experiences, as far as possible, we would contribute to improve, in addition to their mental well-being, their respiratory health.

Video: Asthme: Diagnostic Symptomes Causes Facteurs aggravants de la crise (May 2024).