How to help them adapt to the nursery

The adaptation to the nursery is a difficult trance for both the child and the parents. It is inevitable that the child feels anguish about separating from his parents and that the parents feel that they abandon their child. Therefore, what we must do to support our children is help them adapt to the nursery in the best possible way.

Both for children from 0 to 3 years old who go to the nursery for the first time and for those who return to the classroom, adaptation is a strange situation that takes time until they get used to it.

Especially for children who go for the first time, going to a nursery school is a huge life change, a real bewilderment.

Having shared their lives exclusively with their attachment figures (parents, grandparents, relatives) they are in an unknown place, with children also unknown (and with the same confusion as them) and adults who have not seen in their life. In addition, they have to comply with routines and rules that they were not accustomed to. Anyone would feel a crazy desire to cry in that situation.

The child should be accompanied by parents in the adaptation period. You need the love, containment and understanding of your mother, your father or a close person so that you can get used to it safely.

Unfortunately, many nurseries do not allow an adaptation with parents in the classroom or do so for a few days because their presence hinders the school routine. It is also true that for work reasons few parents can make an adaptation too extensive.

Ideally, go with the child to class during the first days, stay with him in the field where they will develop activities to help him integrate into the space, with his classmates and his teacher until he feels it is a safe place.

Let's see some tips to make adapting to the nursery more bearable:

  • Even if we want to cry more than they do, it is important that we show them trust and security Since we are your reference figure.
  • Positive attitude in the face of the new situation: it is important that we talk about the nursery, that they visit it before starting classes and avoid any negative phrases related to nursery school.
  • Help them to adapt to new schedules. Let them sleep more than usual if they need it or put them to bed earlier so that the next day they are more rested. Let them rearrange their sleep schedules until they get used to it.
  • Tell them stories of children who go to kindergarten for the first time and describe what wonderful things they will find in the new place.
  • It is essential to maintain a good communication with professionals They will take care of the child. You are the one who knows him best and you are the link between the needs of the child and his new caregivers. Any information you provide will help in adapting the child.
  • Finally, allow the child express your feelings and emotions Faced with the new situation. Not everyone reacts in the same way or manages to adapt in the same period of time. Leave the space you need to adapt, without overwhelming you.

We must bear in mind that for the little one everything is new and unknown. Therefore, for those who go for the first time as much as for those who return to the classroom after the holidays it is important that we put into practice everything that is in our hands to make them more adaptable to the nursery.