"Good morning", the worst song of the Lunnis

I don't know if it happens to me alone. I can't stand this Lunnis song. The characters are not particularly nice to me, but I would not say that I have a mania. In fact, there are other Lunnis songs that I do listen with pleasure to my oldest daughter. But the song of "Good Morning" of the Lunnis can with my patience and my general pleasure for children's songs.

The song can be viewed and heard in full from the RTVE website, in the video that appears on this page (from minute 2'18). Leaving aside the fact of the tiresome tendency to put the children's characters speaking in English, is that the song of marras more than wanting to wake up with joy makes me want to hide under the sheets and take a good little snipe farther from these singing puppets ...

"Good morning, to the dog and to the cat", "Good morning Lucho, good morning, Lupita", and more "good morning, good morning" over and over again ... Aghhhh! With "good morning" all animals are saluting, the "little birds", "elephant", "cocodile" ... and everybody!

Besides, it seems to me that the hypnotic tone of the song, with that swinging even in the Lunnis' walk you can embobar the little ones, more than liking, having fun or making them dance to the sound of music and "activating" their neurons. If it had been a song of "good night" before going to sleep maybe I would like more ...

I find much more beautiful songs in English like the alphabet, but the tone and lyrics, how to say, I repeated, "Good morning" and above all so much monotonous repetition makes me give this song the honorary title of the most desperate song of the Lunnis. And you, do you have any other desperate children's song to add to the list?

Official Site | RTVE
In Babies and more | The first video game about Lunnis for Nintendo DS, On sale the CD with "The Great Successes of SpongeBob"

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).