Types of families

The family is the smallest cell of organization in all societies and is made up of parents and children, including in the concept or not, according to cultures, other people linked by partisan ties. In today's Western society there is a plurality of types of families that respond precisely to the particularities of our time and social and economic organization, and also to historical and newly emerging cultural factors.

We can meet different types of families that are explained in context, a plural, democratic society and committed to advancing tolerance. All of them can respond to their basic function: caring for their children and their education, provided they attend them in the material and emotional aspects in an appropriate way.

There is no family model adequate, but adequate concrete families and families in which children's rights are not respected. And that is independent of the model that family has and no one has been able to demonstrate that children raised in minority models have, if they are also respected by the environment, that they have no kind of lack.

In our environment we find mostly families in which the parents are a heterosexual couple that raises the children living together. However, there are more and more single-parent families, in which the mother and sometimes the father, have their children without support or company of the other parent. And families in which parents no longer form a couple but continue to exercise their parental duties adequately providing children with safety and affection.

There are also families in which the parents are a homosexual couple, men or women, who also, by virtue of legal changes, can already marry if they wish and both appear as parents of those children.

The Types of family of each society are constantly evolving models and each family will have, regardless of their cultural context, their own history.

Video: Different Kinds of Families (May 2024).