Ensure fertility from age 35

Fertility restoration treatments for women who were diagnosed with cancer and wanted to have children once the disease was over are increasingly being used for other people, for the same purpose. Is about women who, reached a certain age, want to ensure the possibility of having children later.

According to experts gathered at the international Fertility 2009 symposium in Barcelona, ​​the age at which women can begin to consider the option of preserving ovules or ovarian tissue is 35 years. It is at that age when fertility is reduced faster.

These procedures are intended for women who intend to re-maternity, either because they have no partner or because their economic or employment situation is not conducive but they hope that in the future those terms will change. Although many women at that age opt for artificial fertilization to not delay the time to get pregnant.

In some clinics they recommend treatment to women between 35 and 38 years old. After 38, there are women in whom the technique is no longer effective. The female fertility preservation technique It usually consists of a hormonal treatment of ovarian stimulation to ovulate, obtaining the ovules vaginally with sedation and preserving these ovules in liquid nitrogen at 196 degrees below zero.

In cases where the woman has a stable partner, she can choose to keep embryos instead of eggs, although in this situation I find it difficult to find reasons to delay motherhood.

In any case, whenever it is possible not to delay the moment of becoming pregnant it will be the best for the health and well-being of both the mother and the baby, although we know that today births even after 40 years are increasingly frequent And they come to a good end.

But for cases where it is not possible, this option to become a "fertility insurance" from 35 years It represents a hope of not closing the doors for that desire for motherhood.

Video: Fertility Advice for Women: Dr. Sanjay Agarwal (May 2024).