Baby calendar: seven months

The baby at seven months, has become a little elf full of energy and capable of doing things that a few weeks ago, would have seemed unthinkable. And it is that it advances in its physical, communicative and intellectual development at great speed.

With six months completed it would be a good time to consider introducing food if some previous steps have not already been done. Until now it was advisable to introduce gluten at seven months, but the most modern currents indicate that it is better to do small tests before and do it when the child has not been weaned.

In addition, the child will make many gestures and movements for themselves, starting the discovery of their environment by themselves, keeping many of them already sitting without falling sideways and even crawling on the floor.

All this, together with towards the seven months of life The baby enters a key moment for verbal development, they make this stage something unrepeatable and magical.

Social and emotional development

The seven month old baby He is looking forward to talking and communicating with him. It is important to maintain a continuous dialogue with the child, to make our relationship with him more intense, and more affectionate, in addition to helping him to acquire language better.

You will love to imitate our gestures and have fun with grimaces or applause. He also knows how to send kisses and will enjoy doing it. Communication is his great passion.

He already understands the "no" perfectly and reacts intensely to our anger or if we raise his voice. And, of course, he is very happy to see us and to make them all kinds of carantoñas and games with intact songs.

It is expressed with noises and twitter, but especially with bodily expressions. He is also an avid explorer of new experiences, he will touch everything we give him and still take it to his mouth. In addition, soon no corner of the house will be safe from his desire to know the world as he prepares for the crawling.

New people love it, especially if they are friendly, but it is very possible that they react with crying and fear if we leave it alone with them. Whenever possible, it is better to avoid it, it is not time to talk about independence in a seven-month-old baby.

Cognitive and verbal development

He small seven month Not only does he want to explore objects, he is also very interested in acquiring new knowledge and learning to communicate with us. Our attention and collaboration are essential to offer you the intellectual and communicative experiences that you so desire.

The child needs and wants to learn to speak. Naming objects and people, pointing them out and asking simple questions that the little one understands and can answer despite not knowing how to speak, is the best way to help and make him happy, because his joy revolves around us and the communicative process.

It will begin with simple syllables "ma", "da", "pa", "ta" in an already conscious way and you may begin to be able to give your names to specific objects or people. With attention we can understand much more than we would think with the naked eye.

The baby is very emotional and although he wants to learn to do many things he can explode if we do not understand, if we do something he wanted to try or if he does not achieve his goal. Patience and care is the best of our answers.

Physical and motor development

The most striking thing is that at this age the first teeth usually come out to the little ones, and that, although some professionals argue that it does not cause discomfort, in many cases the parents observe irritability related to teething. Drooling, of course, is evident.

At seven months It is normal for children to be able to stay seated without falling sideways and to stretch to pick up the objects that interest them, which are almost anything new that we put before them. However, the interest lasts a few minutes and it is good to have an environment prepared and rich in experiences. Although what they will like the most are people, more than things.

He wants to start crawling, although most will in the next two months, some may surprise us crawling on his abdomen with determination. They turn and extend to reach the objects.

He manages to hold things in his hands quite safely and they love hitting objects.


That baby who could barely more than curl up in our arms and ask for his milk, is now becoming a small human full of resources and eager to discover the environment, delighted to learn things and above all, passionate with the ability to communicate with others .

Soon we will continue with our Baby Calendar and we will arrive at eight months.