Eradicate physical punishment

The Ibero-American Commission on Human Rights recently published the conclusions on its study on the incidence of physical punishment in its area of ​​influence. They have also pointed out the need to give this practice the consideration of violence and make progress in actions that lead to eradicate physical punishment.

This body recognizes in this report the seriousness of the practice of corporal punishment and recommends to the States concrete actions to advance in the integral protection of the human rights of children and adolescents.

In this regard, it recognizes the initiative of some American States that have already legally prohibited the use of corporal punishment as a method of discipline for girls, boys and adolescents in both the public and private spheres and those in which legislative initiatives already exist. .

It should also be remembered that a few months ago, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights issued a resolution that referred to the practice of physical punishment as a form of violence that should be prohibited by the States. The complete statement is very interesting and can be read on the Save the Children website.

Physical violence towards children remains a very serious problem in all societies, especially because of their invisibility provided there are no injuries, and because of the acceptance of the practice by a part of the population. For this reason, education and awareness campaigns towards adults, for the protection of the child, together with legislative measures are the necessary way to eradicate physical punishment such as this or other organizations defending human rights.

And it is that sooner or later the laws and citizens will come to defend that no one has the right to hit anyone, regardless of age or relationship between them. I am sure that it will soon be achieved Eradicate physical punishment.