"Psychological development begins at the time of conception." Enrique Blay interview

Today we publish the first part of the interview that Babies and more has done to psychotherapist Enrique Blay, specialist in the emotions of the baby and the child, which leads us, in this talk, to enter the world of the sensations and feelings that we have all had within the mother's womb and that are fundamental for the psychological development in the future life.

We will discover what he feels, what he hears, what the baby assimilates and how his plastic brain is being influenced by his mother's experiences and emotions.

Is there an emotional experience in the intrauterine baby?

Yes. The intrauterine baby has great perceptual abilities and everything he perceives, since his mechanisms of interpretation transform all information into feeling, it translates into emotions. The human being, from the moment he is conceived and until the age of two, is governed by Emotional Perception.

After two years the development of Rational Perception begins, which will not prevail until 12/14 years of age. This is the most important fact to understand the emotional world of babies and children and the key to raise any type of relationship and communication with them. Are there scientific evidences of this?

Regarding the intrauterine baby's perceptual abilities, there are two well-researched channels of perception:

The first is inherent in the sense organs that develop throughout pregnancy: sight, taste, touch, smell and hearing. Specifically, the hearing ability of the intrauterine baby has been intense. Not only regarding the mother's internal sounds, including her own voice, but also the external sounds. There are very different reactions of an intrauterine baby, when rock music or classical music plays in the environment.

The ability of the intrauterine baby to memorize those sounds has also been demonstrated. Thus, there are babies who, once born, react in front of the music of a television series that their mother followed regularly or the case of the musician who played “heard” the notes of the scores that his mother, also a musician, had interpreted when he carried it in his bosom.

Secondly, it must be taken into account that, through the maternal blood that the baby receives through the umbilical cord, which contains substances such as neurotransmitters or hormones, which produce the same reactions in the baby as in the mother.

For example one of the stress hormones, adrenaline, which in the mother produces increased heart rate, blood pressure, tension, anxiety, etc. It produces exactly the same in the baby. Or on the contrary the endorphins, which in the mother produce tranquility, well-being and peace, which will act in the same way in the baby.

In addition, in my opinion, there are two other channels of perception, which although they do not have the “scientific evidence”, as interpreted in their more academic meaning, they enjoy sufficient experimental and experiential evidence, to make their validity unquestionable:

I speak of the perception that allows the baby to connect with what he thinks, what he feels, his mother. Channel called "Extrasensory Perception" because it is outside the channels of perception granted by the sense organs or physiology. We could also call it, from the vision of the different energies that make up the human body "Energy Perception" as it is able to perceive the energies of thoughts and feelings of its mother and interact with them.

And, in addition, the most subtle of the channels, that of the "Spiritual Perception", based on the transcendental vision of the human being. The baby, as a Being of Light, in transit through the experience of matter, in connection with the Inner Being of his mother. A feeling beyond time and space, expressed in the now. Will the emotions of the unborn baby influence your future life?

In recent decades, the moment of the onset of psychological development has been increasingly placed back in time. Until today, when both research in neurology and psychology, lead to the conclusion that psychological development begins from the moment of conception.

On a genetic basis, inherited from the parents, which supposes a specific behavioral "trend" to each individual and the particular physiological development in each individual, the experiences lived shape the brain. The brain is directly influenced by the experiences because of the so-called "neuronal plasticity", by which brain structures are directly modified, leaving deep and imperishable traces in their architecture.

At a time when, literally, the brain is building on its foundations, as it is in pregnancy, birth and early childhood, it is easy to deduce the importance of early experiences in the formation of character and personality.

In the ARA center of psychology, together with the psychologist Ángela Suárez, we have had the fortune to work for years with a regressive psychotherapy for adults, in which, among other things, the person is taken to experience, see and feel events occurred within of his mother, being born and in his early childhood. This has allowed us to have, lively and lively, what can gratify or harm a baby or a child in their psychological development at those times of their life.

Through the theoretical basis that underpins this psychotherapy, but especially through our clinical experience, we can affirm that in the gestation, birth and early childhood there are the roots of what as adults gratifies us or on the contrary alters us, makes us sick or disharmonize

How can the pregnant woman communicate with her baby?

In fact, whatever the mother does, with the channels of perception of the baby that we have mentioned, there will always be communication between them. This gives us the measure of how important the mother's emotional state is, of her thoughts, of her feelings towards her baby. We can say that if the mother is sad, her baby will be too. If the mother is happy, so will her baby.

The mother can communicate with her baby consciously by talking, singing, mentally through her thoughts, with the touch putting her hands on her belly. Relaxation and visualization is a powerful communication tool between mother and baby and vice versa, since the baby is also able to communicate with his mother.

Years ago it occurred to me that, if through a relaxation, the pregnant mother was placed in Theta brain rhythms, which entail the state of emotional perception, it would be like moving the dial of a radio to tune it to her baby.

I put it into practice with pregnant mothers and reality exceeded my expectations. In a state of relaxation, the pregnant mother entered into total communication with her baby, which allowed her to transmit with all the emotional intensity, the joy of being her first home and the love she felt for him. Together with various visualizations, the situation became an experience of a great emotional load.

My big surprise was that not only did the mother communicate with her baby, but she also did it with her mother, mentally and emotionally. As a curiosity, some mothers "perceived" the name by which their babies wanted to be called.

Fascinating has been for us this interview, in which by the hand of psychotherapist Enrique Blay, we have entered the soul and emotions of babies in the womb, circumstances that will influence their perception and sensitivity after birth.

We will continue talking with Enrique Blay and deepening our interview To know better the emotions of babies at birth, the importance of attending to their crying and sleeping with them, allowing them to breastfeed whenever possible and giving the father an important role in the development of the child.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).