Getting pregnant at first

One of the things that couples who decide to have children realize is that getting a pregnancy is not as easy as it seems. Most realize immediately that under normal conditions it may take months until the woman becomes pregnant, especially if we consider that the chances of pregnancy in each sexual relationship is 25%.

When the age of the woman passes the barrier of 30 years and when there are other circumstances that add up (such as sperm quality, for example), this percentage tends to decrease and what were months can become more than one year of attempts and waiting.

However, far from these biological "rules" are some couples who must have been born for this or something similar, because breaking with any major tendency they explain that no, that they got pregnant at first.

And I believe it, because as I say there is a 25% chance of getting a pregnancy in the right conditions and someone has to be within that percentage, right? The fact is that there have been few couples who have come to explain that they got it at the first time ("it was to leave the pills and in the first relationship I stayed", they say) and that's when I think it might be more usual than I thought.

Then I remember all those couples who used contraceptive methods to avoid a possible unexpected pregnancy and who feel disappointed with Mother Nature when, at the moment they decide to stop using them, pregnancy does not arrive. A few so much and others so little.

Do you know many couples in that the woman has managed to get pregnant at the first?

I leave an excerpt from a monologue of Buenafuente who talked about the subject, to give a little humor to the matter:

You have to see how fast a girlfriend gets pregnant, and what it costs to get your wife pregnant. It's true: you have been dating a girl for a month, you are standing, your parents don't like you, you don't take off your condom or take a shower. And you make her pregnant at first!

Now, as you go for the child. It is easier to get her out of Spain from so much pushing, than to make her pregnant ...

Video: Female fertility animation (May 2024).