Allergies in babies: Food Allergies (II)

Food allergies are very common conditions in children's age, especially in younger children. They occur as a result of a reaction of the child's immune (or defensive) system, which reacts to certain substances, present in certain foods, generating a series of symptoms that can range from mild to very serious.

There are many foods that can produce an allergy box and sometimes it can be difficult to locate the substance that produces the picture. In turn, the symptoms can be varied, so the diagnosis is not always easy. For these reasons it is important that parents have a series of notions about these pictures, so that they can suspect their presence.

In the first post on this subject, aspects such as the cause of this table, the foods that usually trigger it and the symptoms that may appear when the box is triggered were discussed. In this second part we will focus on how to study, the treatment and monitoring of this table.

How food allergies are studied

The most important thing is that there is a suspicion on the part of the parents, since the symptoms can be very mild and nonspecific, such as diarrhea symptoms. The characteristic thing is that these symptoms appear in relation to food intake, which is what usually puts parents on alert.

The pictures that show more typical allergy symptoms, such as skin rashes, are easier for parents to suspect.

Upon suspicion, the Pediatrician will elaborate a detailed history in which it is very important to refer all possible data, such as activities of the child and food he eats. Based on these data and those obtained with the child's examination, the professional may propose the possible origin of the allergy picture. Sometimes it is necessary to observe the evolution of the picture in order to obtain information about the origin of the allergy.

In cases where the Pediatrician has a suspicion, it is possible that he may request skin tests to detect the allergy, or analytical studies in which antibodies are sought, which are the defenses that the child makes against the substance that produces the reaction.

Treatment of food allergies

The treatment itself is really simple, and once the food that generates the reaction is known, it consists of avoid exposing the child to said food. But we must also take into account a number of aspects:

  • The child should not eat the food, nor touch the utensils that may have been in contact with him. This is easy to control at home by washing, but not when eating out or with ready-made food. When in doubt you should always ask.

  • You should consult the labels of any food given to the child, and never give one in case of doubt.

  • In most school canteens and nurseries there is great control over food and these children, but in more concrete circumstances, such as allergic children who go to summer camps, parents must be very careful, insisting on this issue to avoid risks It is usually convenient that in these camps there is strict control of these children.

  • Diets in which food is eliminated should always be controlled by the Pediatrician, due to the risk that there may be nutritional deficits, such as calcium in cow's milk protein allergy.

Sometimes the most complicated part of the treatment is to locate the food or substance that is producing the reaction. This is usually seen in the tables in which the symptoms are milder and nonspecific, and sometimes it can take a long time to locate the food involved.

In cases where the child has an allergic reaction should always be evaluated by a Pediatrician, since they can evolve over hours. Some may benefit from the use of drugs such as antihistamines or even corticosteroids, but always under the control of a doctor. Moderate or severe cases should always be taken to an emergency department.

In summary…

Food allergies They are very frequent pictures, especially in younger children. It is very important to follow the Pediatrician's instructions when introducing food, and carefully observe the child every time a new one is introduced.

Most cases, especially mild ones, usually have a good prognosis, and remit with time. However, a few can persist throughout life. Those most likely to have this occur are those with the most severe symptoms.

When in doubt that a child may be suffering from an episode of allergic reaction to a medication, you should always go to an emergency department, since, although most are mild, some may evolve and be moderate or severe, especially if the Food intake has been abundant or repeated.

Video: Tips On Food Allergies in Babies. Symptoms of Food Allergies in Newborns (May 2024).