Benefits of skin-to-skin contact

We have already spoken on multiple occasions about the importance of skin-to-skin contact in the first moments of the baby's life. The Pan American Health Organization, under WHO, makes a summary of one of its publications the immediate and long-term benefits of early skin-to-skin contact Between the mother and her newborn.

And it is becoming increasingly clear that it is important not separation between mother and baby in these moments, with some immediate and long-term benefits proven, and that it is a practice to add to what is necessary for the baby to be born in an environment cozy.

Immediate benefits of skin-to-skin contact

  • In the baby, being on the mother in the first minutes improves the effectiveness of first blowjob and reduces the time to achieve effective suction. The newborn begins a search for the breast and a spontaneous suction.
  • Babies placed on the skin skin to skin have less time to start with effective breastfeeding than others located next to the mother.
  • The contact regulates and maintains the child's temperature. It has been shown that skin-to-skin contact is as effective as the use of the incubator to warm a hypothermic baby. Newborns placed in skin-to-skin contact with their mother find a significantly warmer body temperature than babies placed in a crib, possibly due to the thermal response of the temperature of the mother's skin (mediated by oxytocin), such as Skin-to-skin contact response with your newborn.
  • There is a shorter duration of crying of the baby, compared to newborns who did not have skin-to-skin contact with their mothers.
  • In babies born preterm, contact improves respiratory cardio stability.
  • Improve the mother's affection and bond behaviors, although as we read in the document and it appears in the investigations in this regard, these effects are diluted in time.
  • The mother's pain decreases due to breast engorgement that usually occurs on the third day after birth.

Long-term benefits of skin-to-skin contact

  • There is a positive association between the state of breastfeeding a month and four months postpartum and a longer duration of breastfeeding.
  • It could improve the behaviors of affection and attachment of the mother, although as we have indicated in the previous point, these effects are diluted in time and do not seem verifiable. At least, no documents or data are provided in the document, unlike the remaining points.

Definitely, the benefits of skin-to-skin contact they are for all newborns, due to their positive effects on breastfeeding, the regulation of the temperature of the newborn or the mother's knowledge and recognition of children. All of them are essential components for neonatal survival that should be facilitated in deliveries without complications.


Video: Kangaroo Care: The Benefits of Holding Your Newborn Close (July 2024).