The games of a lifetime

Surely if I talk about the rubber, the tello or the English chick know what I mean. However the new generations are not so used to lifelong games, traditional games or from the street.

These games are simple and, in general, no specific material is necessary for your practice. They are usually group and usually involve a certain physical activity for its realization, what more can we ask a game? Let our children know and practice it.

No doubt the changes in our habits and lifestyle have determined that the street is less frequented by children. In general, it is not convenient for them to be playing alone, and there are not many opportunities with adults, as they do not have time.

Regulated extracurricular activities and passive games, at home, in front of the screens, gain ground. At school recesses it would be a good place to practice traditional games, and Physical Education programs devote a space to these activities.

Traditional games for children

  • The hare: The person who the "league" has to keep catching the others, who are hidden. When you catch someone, they have to go together holding hands. The two people will continue to trap each other, so that an increasingly longer chain will be formed. The game ends when all the players are trapped and there is no one left free, but if someone touches the last of the chain shouting “hare” without having been seen by the league, everyone will be free and the game starts again .

  • Rubber and elastic rope sets. Each has their own songs, and can be played with several participants. Younger children like to play simple games with elastic bands, testing their elasticity and agility with exercises appropriate to their level.

  • Mother. A person is chosen to be a mother and the rest of the participants are placed in an Indian row behind her. The mother begins to walk and the group has to imitate the gestures she makes and follow the path she marks. Along the way the mother is jumping, running, bending down and going through different places trying to mislead the rest of the players. After a while the site yields, it is put to the end of the tail and it returns to play with a new mother.

  • The English Hideaway. A player is chosen who “stops” and who faces the wall. The rest is placed behind a line about ten meters away. The game begins when who "stops" recites: "The English hideout, without moving your hands or feet." The rest of the players take advantage of that time to advance as quickly as possible. At the end of the sentence, who "stops" turns quickly and the rest must remain completely still, trying not to be discovered in motion, because in that case they must go back to the starting line. The game is repeated until someone touches the wall, occupying the position of who "stops."

  • The four corners. For this game it is necessary to have a minimum of four corners or “houses”, in which the players will be distributed, except the person who the league, which is located in the center. While they are in one of the corners they are safe. When the person who counts the league up to four must change house, and the person of the center must try to "steal" a corner. The person who is left homeless is in the center, starting the game again.

Other more or less known games are "The Blind Little Chicken", "The Handkerchief", "The Tabas", "The Pilla-Pilla", "The Game of the Chair", the run, the yew or hopscotch ... In addition, you also We remember these fun games in the sand on the beach.

These are just some examples of traditional games, which should keep in mind and start make our children known if we want them to remain lifelong games. Surely practicing them with them will have fun and bring you good memories ...