"Either born today, or I run out of baby check"

So is. Sad but true. Spain, one of the countries with the lowest birth rate in the world and the European country that gives less support for birth to families will see how tonight at 00:00, when the calendar passes from December to January, the so-called baby check disappears.

This has meant that some families, valuing this situation, have decided to pressure healthcare professionals because “or born today or I run out of baby check“.

As mentioned, some parents have been explaining openly that they need the money because they are going through a delicate economic situation and / or because one of them or both is unemployed.

Other families, whose deliveries were scheduled for various reasons for the first days of January have also asked if it is not possible to schedule it before the end of the year.

There would be a third group, which are moms and dads who do not try to convince obstetricians to induce labor or schedule it before, but simply ask what are the strategies they can carry out to cause childbirth and thus achieve collect 2,500 euros.

Public health gynecologists do not give in

As can be read in the various media, gynecologists are declaring that they refuse to advance deliveries that are not at term because, in addition to being inadvisable, it is absolutely contraindicated because of the risk it poses to the health of babies.

The phrase has a trap, because they refer to deliveries that are not full term. Luckily they have also talked about those pregnant women from 37 to 41 weeks, whose birth would be considered full term, of those who have commented that they have not wanted to cause births either because If the induction does not progress properly, the delivery could end in an unnecessary caesarean section, which carries greater risks than a vaginal birth and which, in addition, goes against the common goal of professionals: reduce the number of caesarean sections.

But, with everything they have already given ...

It is difficult to hear phrases such as "doctors strongly advise against inducing labor only for purely economic reasons if there is no medical justification", when it is often they who have induced births without having a clear medical justification. Without going any further, and therefore I speak with knowledge of the cause, my wife's first birth was induced because “you go a little slow” at about 7 pm on a Sunday, without observing symptoms of any kind in the heart rhythm of the baby (that is, we accelerate because yes).

In the same way there are many mothers who today look for a respected birth at home or in centers where they have good references, precisely, so that the rhythms of childbirth are respected and to be able to give birth calmly without interference that seek to control and / or accelerate the Birth.

Luckily, childbirth assistance is slowly changing and more and more centers and professionals are added to a more personalized and respectful care with the birth process, perhaps for this reason, given the current situation, professionals refuse to induce labor due to the risks that this entails (our first child was born almost 5 years ago and, although it seems a short time, there have been a few changes at this time).

In the private, however ...

As we always say, it cannot be generalized, but it seems to be, as read in some media, that mothers are finding less resistance in private healthcare. Something totally logical if we consider that the rates of scheduled caesarean sections are higher than in social security and that many times it is the same professionals who schedule births at their own convenience.

In the newspaper "El País", for example, we can read a midwife explaining that “A few days ahead of delivery is relatively common in the private sector. They do it when bridges arrive, or Holy Week, or the Fair. It carries a certain health risk, although it does not usually involve seriousness ” or a gynecologist to say that in recent days mothers have arrived requesting that they have the Hamilton maneuver (separate the membranes to naturally induce labor), confessing that "If they pass the 38 weeks and they request it, we do it".

Photos | Photomontage with image of Herkie, Hafdís H on Flickr
In Babies and more | The government eliminates the baby check, Advance the delivery to benefit from the baby check, Survey: Have you thought about advancing the delivery to collect the baby check?