Dads and Moms Blogs (LI)

Today, as every week, we review the most interesting thing that has been read this last week in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We start with I grow up the dwarves, where we have been able to read an entry entitled the fright of being lost, the fright of having lost in which this mother tells us the dread we feel when in the super Our son suddenly disappears, also remembering how she felt the day she was the girl who disappeared.

In the mother of mateo We have been able to read a very interesting entry related to episiotomy with data and with a lot of feeling and common sense. The entrance is called the imperfect chocho of the Spanish.

In Of my motherhood and other demons We have been able to read Myriam's personal experience regarding sleep, a topic that affects most parents and has a solution: time.

In Breed againstVioleta has told us about the search for the perfect child and how some parents expect their children to behave in a certain way, unrealistic and not very respectful of the rhythms of the children.

In Beyond infinity, grow up without schoolSandra tells us what Montessori philosophy is like, which she applies in the education of her children at home. A really interesting entry, as it shows other ways to teach concepts to the little ones.

In the always interesting We have boobsIleana has looked back a few years and explained to us what the story of her birth is. Well, who explains it in the first person is his mother, so that makes it even more exciting (though hard, to see how they gave birth then).

In A different motherhood Eloisa has done an enormous research work about iodine in breastfeeding at the entrance, solving doubts about the iodine that is worth taking into account for those who doubt whether or not to take it or for those who do not know why it is recommended .

To finish, in Your encounter with motherhood, Dara brings us an entry addressed to the mothers who give us life, showing a reality that exists in moms for a long time and that should change for the good, I would say, of humanity.

I take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any Blog in which you talk about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read and comment on.

Video: Mom Blog - Faust Island - Hilton Head Island Boating - Father's Day 2017 (May 2024).