Bisphenol A in bottles is definitely prohibited

They were already taking. At last, a long-awaited step has been taken, the European Union has finally decided to ban at the community level bisphenol A in bottles of plastic.

Denmark and France had already taken steps to remove and ban bottles with this product, and now the ban extends throughout the European Union. In October 2010 the European Union announced that the measure could be underway in the middle of this year and this has been the case.

Bisphenol-A has been used for 40 years in all kinds of plastic products, such as bottles, but also in other types of containers and boxes, such as those on CDs or DVDs.

The point is that, after the use of bisphenol-A, numerous studies have been related to hormonal alterations that can cause cancer, diabetes, fertility reduction, developmental problems or obesity.

Although the scientific works already pointed out these dangers years ago it has been necessary to wait for the prohibition of the compound to be decided, at least as regards the feeding of babies, who are, logically, the most vulnerable.

Potentially toxic particles come off when the container is heated, so, as a precaution, if we have doubts about the bottles or food containers that we have at home, a logical measure would be to avoid them and prefer the glass ones.

The definitive prohibition of the use of bisphenol-A in the bottles of the European Union It is a pleasant news, that can not eliminate the concern about the delay in the measure and the continuation of its use in other products, since it has not been legislated in general on other types of food containers.

Video: Do You Want Your Receipt? Reducing Occupational Exposure to BPA and BPS (July 2024).