When did you tell the family that you were pregnant?

When a woman becomes pregnant, the first person who finds out (normally) is the couple. Then the closest and most trusted people usually go, which is usually the family, and finally the friends.

The doubt about when to explain that you are pregnant It usually appears in the second step and onwards (I say that the couple is told at the moment, at least if they both wait for the baby). There are mothers who have no qualms about immediately telling their family that they expect a grandson or a nephew, but there are also others who prefer to wait, just in case there is a problem.

Let's say that mothers who have never had any problems with pregnancy (because it is the first or because they already have children) are usually the ones who give the news before, and those mothers who have suffered an abortion or have had a problem take longer to do so .

Not all pregnancies come to term

One of the reasons to wait a while to give the news is that not all pregnancies come to term. Many fertilized ovules do not get implanted and end up being expelled with menstruation, a situation in which mothers do not usually realize that an egg began to mature. Many others get implanted, the pregnancy test becomes positive, but for some reason they end up not being viable and the woman suffers an abortion (sometimes it happens so early that if the woman had not been tested, there would be thought that your period has been delayed a bit).

The period of greatest risk is the first weeks, so, when in doubt, the time to tell the family that you expect a baby is usually a little late, many times until the moment when the woman has an ultrasound and confirms that everything is going well.

Other mothers, despite knowing this, are less able to keep the secret and prefer to explain it (I have a friend who told us so: “I know I'm only one month old and there is a risk of losing it, but I don't I can shut up ”).

If you give the news that you are pregnant very soon

The greatest risk of breaking the news in the first weeks of pregnancy is that then something goes wrong and you have to give explanations. The pregnancy of a family member is always good news and normally, future grandmothers explain it to the more people the better ("I will be a grandmother", "yes, my daughter, the eldest ...", etc.).

If the misfortune comes that pregnancy does not take its course, the pregnant woman will have to give the news to the direct family, with all that entails, and surely to the indirect family and to all the acquaintances who at some point ask him: "hey, I have already heard, when do you expect it?"

If this does not happen and the pregnancy is going well, the woman will live nine months of questions, of possible names, of anxieties, of “I want to go to see an echo…”, of “when do you know if she is a boy or a girl” and So many questions that family members love to know. It is not that it is anything bad or negative, because curiosity is normal in people who love you, but there are women who become overwhelmed with the subject.

If you give the news after a few weeks

When the pregnancy takes several weeks and especially when it is closer to week 12, which is when the first trimester is met, the risk is less and less.

If you give the news in those moments, pregnancy, for others, becomes a wait of about 6 months (instead of nine), reducing family anxiety time.

However, if you appear at home saying that you are three months pregnant (or two, as you prefer), you can create discomfort because parents can see it as a lack of trust or communication (“I am your mother, why not Did you tell me before? ”), and you even suspect (“ surely your parents have known it for a long time… ”).

And you?

In our case we have always been very discreet people, so we are the ones who wait to see that everything goes well to give the news, trying to minimize the waiting time of others. Unconsciously, as others do not know and do not treat you like a pregnant mom and dad, the waiting time of the parents (ours) also seems to decrease.

But of course, this is our way of doing so closely linked to our way of being. There are less reserved people who prefer to receive the support of their relatives from the first moment and the truth is that it is also something beautiful, because pregnancy becomes more conscious, more real and because the family feels more involved with the mother and with the baby.

Now I ask you: When did you tell the family that you were pregnant?

Video: You're PREGNANT?! Pregnancy Announcements That Will Melt Your Heart (May 2024).