Speech disorders: dyslalia (II)

After a brief introduction, we begin to delve deeper into this speech disorder. To do this, we will talk about What is dyslalia.

The dislalia It is a disorder in the articulation of the phonemes, either by the absence or alteration of some particular sounds or by the replacement of these by others incorrectly in children who do not present problems at the level of the Central Nervous System.

It can affect any consonant or vowel, with only one phoneme or several being affected, or only affect the association of consonants, when they appear united in a single syllable. If the dyslalia is very severe, the child's language may become incomprehensible because the alteration includes several phonemes.

There are usually problems in spatio-temporal perception and organization, and also difficulties in discriminating auditory correctly, without partial loss of hearing.

To refer to the different phoneme errors that can be found in dyslalias, we use terminations taken from the Greek name of the altered phoneme (for example, sigmatism involves difficulties in articulating the phoneme / s /, phonemic deltacism / d / and more famous of all, the rotacismo for the phoneme / r /)

There are different causes and factors that cause a dyslalia to be generated, such as lack of love, excessive stimulation by parents, family history of language and / or speech problems ...

Soon we will talk more extensively about the different types of dyslalias that exist and what are their main characteristics.

Video: Articulation Disorder (July 2024).