Deaf children demand that cartoons include sign language

Eugenia Arana Ascoy, director of the Ludwing Van Beethoven School of Inclusive Basic Education for the Deaf, in Lima (Peru), made a call a couple of months ago to television channels. The objective: include sign language in children's cartoons and movies.

Among the reasons that were exposed was one in which it became known that children become depressed when watching television and not being able to enjoy the programming aimed at children.

It is tried to defend that the deaf children also have the right to see the cartoons that the children who do not have any type of hearing deficit see, and for this, it is tried that the sign language is included.

It is an issue that also has to do with the inclusion of deaf children in society, since these children are not perceived to receive the same treatment as other children.

On the other hand, Ascoy advocated a early deafness detection, since it is vital for the child to receive the most appropriate treatment. And, nowadays, many parents realize the hearing loss of their child when he has several years of life.

Ludwig van Beethoven College, opened on April 28, 2010, has become the first inclusive school for deaf children in Peru. At present, it welcomes approximately 150 children, of which 14 children from early childhood education and 79 from primary school with some type of hearing impairment.