Pelvic pain in pregnancy: why it occurs and how to relieve it

During pregnancy, you will surely notice many changes in your body. Although many are exciting, some of these may not be entirely pleasant, as in the case of some annoying symptoms that cause you discomfort, discomfort or pain.

One of the most common discomforts that we can present during a pregnancy is the pelvic pain. We tell you what it is, why it is produced and how you can relieve it.

What is pelvic pain?

The pain in the pelvis It is a nuisance of pregnancy that usually appears after the second trimester and can continue until the time of delivery, intensifying as the pregnancy progresses.

That pain It is located in the area of ​​the pelvis and groin, and in some cases even in the lower back. On some occasions this can be mild, and on others, it feels like a sharp and stabbing pain that makes it difficult to do some day-to-day activities.

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Normally, pelvic pain occurs due to two hormones especially: relaxin and progesterone, who are responsible for the pelvic ligaments relax to leave room for the baby. With the effect of them, and adding the increase in the weight of the baby month by month, it is normal to present.

In this case, it is best to take things easy and rest as much time as possible.

Other possible causes of pelvic pain

Although it is a common pregnancy ailment, it is sometimes a symptom of some complication or problem that may occur during pregnancy. Between other possible causes of pelvic pain The following are found:

Ectopic pregnancy

If pelvic or abdominal pain occurs intensely during the first weeks of pregnancy, it could be a sign of an ectopic or extrauterine pregnancy, which is when the baby develops outside the uterus.

Although it is rare and happens only in 2% of pregnancies, It is important to go to the doctor for a review because it can pose a serious health risk for the mother.

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Urinary infection

The urinary tract infection is the most frequent infection during pregnancy, since between 4 and 10% of pregnant women suffer from it. Although there are different types of urinary infections, the most common is called cystitis or bladder infection.

In addition to pelvic pain, others symptoms of a urinary tract infection they are: pain, discomfort and burning when urinating, as well as cloudy or foul-smelling urine, and very frequent or uncontrollable need to urinate, even when there is little urine in the bladder.

Before the first symptom of a possible infection in the urine you should call or see your doctor to have the necessary tests and prescribe the appropriate treatment, because this type of infection increases the chance of having a premature delivery.


Uterine fibroids, fibroids or fibroids, they are non-cancerous masses that occur in the uterus and can cause pain and bleeding, as well as complications in pregnancy.

Although these are regularly detected before pregnancy and in most cases do not affect pregnancy, we should consult with our doctor, as Fibroids may increase in size during pregnancy due to increased blood flow, and this could cause pain or pressure.

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Dysfunction of the pubic symphysis

Also know as pelvic waist syndromeThe pubic symphysis dysfunction is a pain that occurs in the pelvis, usually begins in the most advanced stages of pregnancy but can occur at any time.

Though The most common symptom is pelvic and English pain which can extend to the back and hips, other symptoms include a click in the pubic area, pain that worsens when walking, going up and down stairs or turning in bed, and that increases at night, preventing you from sleeping.


Sciatica is a pain in the lower back that in most cases appears during the second trimester of pregnancy and persists during the third. About 30% of pregnant women suffer from sciatica and this occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed, which begins in the pelvis and continues down the back of the thighs and branches behind the knees, reaching to the feet.

How to relieve pelvic pain

For to prevent this type of pain in pregnancy, as well as back pain, another common discomfort of pregnancy and that can be said to be related by its proximity, it is recommended to exercise regularly following the doctor's instructions, and thus continue strengthening our muscles and ligaments, also improving the stability of the pelvis and back.

For relieve pelvic pain caused by pregnancy hormones And that is not indicative of another complication, you can do the following:

  • Try to rest as much time as possible, asking for help or delegating tasks to other people.
  • Avoid making efforts and activities that you notice increase your pain.
  • Avoid carrying, lifting or pushing heavy things.
  • Use caution when getting up and going up or down steps, doing it one at a time.

There are also several options that we can use to try to relieve or reduce pelvic pain, such as going with a physiotherapist, attending with an acupuncturist specialized in pregnant women, or using a support belt or support belt.

If we already have pelvic pain, it is important to discuss it with our doctor.Well, in addition to the fact that he will tell us more specifically what to do in our particular case, even if it is a normal discomfort of pregnancy, it is important to rule out or review the possibility that it is a symptom of the aforementioned complications.

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Video: Preventing Back and Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy (May 2024).