Benefits and risks of vertical births

Vertical birth seems to be associated with several benefits, mainly, the reduction in the duration of the expulsion period of labor.

This is totally logical, in the same way that verticality and movement during dilation will allow the baby to make its way through the birth canal, shortening the first phase of the birth, unlike if we lie down or remain motionless.

However, there are also a few associated risks, which we discuss below. But as neither some of the benefits nor the risks are confirmed, the World Health Organization recommends that births should be allow women to choose the position they want to have the birth.

A review published in the WHO Reproductive Health Library assesses the benefits and risks of different positions for childbirth that women adopt during the period of labor delivery. It includes 20 clinical studies in which 6136 women participated.

The findings of this study showed that, in those women who did not receive epidural anesthesia, delivery in a vertical or lateral position was associated with:

  • a reduction in the duration of the expulsion period,
  • a small reduction in assisted deliveries,
  • a reduction in episiotomies,
  • an increase in second degree perineal tears,
  • an estimated increase in blood loss greater than 500 ml,
  • a decrease in the manifestation of severe pain during the expulsion period of labor and
  • less abnormal patterns in fetal heart rate.

As we see, the possible benefits of vertical delivery they far outweigh the risks, so research on this probable increase in second-degree tears and especially the increase in blood loss continues.

But, awaiting further research in this regard, WHO highlights the need for women to choose how they want to give birth, its most comfortable position, and points out that the real challenge of health professionals is to provide women with impartial information on which to base the options of the positions for childbirth and advice on how to prepare to have the delivery in the chosen position .