McDonald's expands its offer of healthier menus

I recognize that I like hamburgers, although McDonald's is not my favorite option to eat them. But it is undoubtedly the most famous hamburger chain in the world, so the fact that McDonald's is offering healthier menus for kids (and for the whole family) we are happy.

Already in April the establishments offered a healthier Happy Meal menu in Spain, incorporating more fruits and vegetables to it (the big ones forgotten in fast food restaurants).

Be from September when McDonald's serves a healthier menu in Latin America, reducing the amount of chips and adding apples to Happy Meal. Of course, for now will continue to regulate toys with the menus, something that wants to ban in Spain.

Less chips and more apple. That is the basis of the change for Happy Meal, which also proposes to eliminate the caramel sauce that accompanied the fruit. Now we just need to change the chocolate milkshake for a natural juice and the potatoes for salad, but then it would no longer be McDonald's ...

The US multinational establishes these changes after being criticized by consumer groups due to the large amount of calories in their food for children. In Latin America and the United States the change will be implemented progressively.

It seems great to me all measures aimed at making our children eat healthier, so it is good that McDonald's expand your healthier menus. But I also think that it is the parents' task to put common sense and limits to this fast food so fashionable.

I throw an idea: watch the documentary dedicated to show the negative effects of eating this type of food with continuity it will take away the desire to step on McDonald's and the like for a little while ...