Children's drawings: color imagination

Just yesterday my daughter colored the beard of an old man in red, blue and pink, and an elephant with a yellow body and green legs. Go colorful for a fictional character characterized by his pristine white hair or the animal so monochromatic! The most striking colors are those that capture the attention of the little ones But do you realize that you are not following a real model?

The truth is that children under five do not know what the real color of things is, they don't have the ability to associate objects to a colorHence, a beard, a fruit, an elephant or a multicolored tree is perfectly normal for them.

A study by the University of Wisconsin (United States), led by psychologist Vanessa Simmering, has reached this conclusion. Up to five years children do not acquire the ability to associate the objects of surrounding reality with a certain color.

Hence, when it is time to paint, the little ones randomly choose the tones that most attract their attention, which are the most luminous and strident, prefer bright colors.

I like to enjoy those "unreal" colors of my daughter's drawings, although I will be very careful before saying "such a thing is not that color", because I find surprises like real yellow or orange strawberries.

Actually those multicolored drawings are very funny, so The imagination to color in children's drawings!, who will already learn to "copy" being more realistic (and if not, nothing happens).