The ten most controversial parenting practices: the diaper operation

We continue with our review of parenting practices that encompass very diverse activities, having seen such different concepts as cheek, pigtail and breastfeeding. Sphincter control or the time when children leave the diaper It is a question that raises opinions found among parents and even among many professionals.

Accelerating the moment when the child is prepared to leave the diaper is not a practice shared by everyone. Among those who let the little one show that he is ready to go to the bathroom and those who remove the diaper as soon as possible "training" the children in a function for which their body is not yet prepared there are many degrees and practices diverse.

In general, from what I see around me, there is a middle ground that goes through phases of “trial-error”, use of the potty or not, diaper at times, at night… Precisely now that summer has arrived for many families "It is time to remove the diapers", even if the children are not prepared, which will keep their needs on for some time.

Recall that at two and a half years, only 50% of children are able to go without a diaper. At three years, 75% do so and at three and a half years 95% of children.

The least appropriate practice within the so-called "diaper operation", in my opinion, is that which is carried out in nurseries or nursery schools, which does not respect the pace of maturation of the child, which puts them all in the same bag and says "as of now, no diaper." Obviously, the unprepared child will continue to meet his needs for as long as he needs.

Although this practice is not exclusive to nurseries as we say, and in many houses the operation is carried out "ahead of time". What does not seem logical to me is that there are those who get angry at the children: respect their rhythms and accompany them in their development, without forcing them, it seems fundamental.

Every child is a world, and some will do well with the "diaper operation" at the first attempts, although others will need more time. However, making this note can unleash the debate and annoy many parents who have already decided on the best time.

The observation of our children, the "signals" that children send us about sphincter control, they will tell us when is the most appropriate time to try taking small steps (and it does not have to be in summer, although for many it is more comfortable, nor is it irreversible).

The ten most controversial parenting practices