Summer with children: some last safety tips

In our Special Summer with children we have offered you some tips to spend this quiet time of the year, with the best safety conditions, well hydrated and protected from high temperatures and solar radiation. Today we offer you some latest safety tips in summer.

Review the new play areas

In our city for sure we are very familiar with the play areas usual but when arriving at the summer resort we should check them before the children started to play in them and always be alert when they play.

There may be places where the ground is unstable, a hole, swings in poor condition with which damage or splintering of chips or chips can be damaged. Even if there is a sports field, it would not hurt to confirm that it is securely anchored to the ground, as it is a cause of accident It happens sometimes.

Street lamps, sewer covers and street slabs can be damaged by which children, especially toddlers, can be damaged.

Other basic precautionary measures in summer in the parks is to check the temperature of the metal swings before children use them, since the surface of, for example, a slide, can burn after a whole day exposed to the sun.


It seems that the mosquitos they prefer the blood of pregnant women and children and, counting on it, it seems that it is convenient to consider protecting them from bites. We can opt for insect repellents, but always taking into account the recommendations on the ages of children to which they can be applied and taking care so that they can not suck or rub it by the eyes, or, decide to use natural repellents.

The clothes of neutral colors, breathable but that cover arms and legs, some natural aromas, avoiding the hours or the most prone areas and putting mosquito nets in the windows or in the beds can avoid many bites.

When the bite has occurred it is important to prevent the child from scratching and getting a wound, because, in summer, and more with games in the sand or frequent baths, they may become infected. I say it from experience, I usually have exaggerated reactions to mosquito bites and last summer I ended up having to take strong doses of antibiotics for a bite that had become infected.


When the water is warm and in areas where the naturally enemy fauna of jellyfish It has disappeared, they can proliferate to become almost a plague, so much so that in some beaches they have introduced an alert to warn bathers of danger. If there are many, it is safest to avoid bathing, but, even when we do not expect it, it can bite us and it is very painful, and can cause a strong allergic reaction in some people.

There are creams that promise to repel them, although the truth is that I have never used them. I prefer to run away from them, however, they can be an option if we consider it appropriate to put this type of products on the skin of our children and always, of course, with the manufacturer's recommendations.

If the jellyfish sting occurs, it is not necessary to tear off the pieces that may have been stuck but remove them very delicately, wash the area with salt water, without rubbing, and then apply ice wrapped in a cloth and water with vinegar. It may be necessary to use an antihistamine or painkillers, but it should not be done without proper medical prescription.


When the good weather arrives, the news of serious accidents starring dogs that attack children. Logically, being outdoors for more time causes greater contact and, unfortunately, there are still owners of animals that do not comply with the logical safety measures, do not carry their dogs tied or educate them properly.

Although we cannot prevent everything if it is convenient to be aware that dogs are not toys and that they should not touch those who do not know very well, nor approach running to them. In addition, with known dogs it is not advisable to stop following the usual precautions and not leave them alone with children especially and keep us alert to any strange reaction, keeping in mind that, especially if they are large dogs, they can cause great harm to a child small.


Summer is the time of infections and diarrhea. To prevent them, keep in mind that it is necessary to wash your hands before and after eating or going to the bathroom, being attentive to the children also do it.

Let's avoid catering establishments that do not seem hygienic and also foods that are not well cooked, especially when it comes to meat and fish.

At home too, of course, we must take care of the food hygiene, looking at the expiration dates, maintaining the cold chain and protecting food from heat sources, also paying close attention to the measures to avoid cross contamination that occurs when we put in contact food cooked with other raw.

We hope that all these tips will help you to pass a wonderful summer with the children, without dangers or accidents.