Buscaparque.org, the search engine for public playgrounds

When we claimed a search engine for public playgrounds, we little thought that we would serve as a final push for someone who had been thinking about this project for some time. Buscaparque.org is the search engine for public playgrounds That has seen the light recently.

Its creator is Silvia, reader of the blog and mother of Madrid, who likes to explore the parks of other cities with her daughter. The objective of Buscaparque.org is to evaluate the parks that users know, so that others can find the park they want in their city or on vacations in other places, for example.

Parks marked with a tree are safe, while those that carry the danger triangle are not. The contents are uploaded by the author and with the contributions of the users, which mark the characteristics of the park, appropriate ages ... and can even upload photos.

it's possible search the parks (currently in Spain) on the map or by region. Even the web has a section of lost objects, to try to recover those things that remain in the park.

The web does not have too many contributions, but it is necessary the collaboration of users to provide it with content. For now, I have already put my grain of sand with a couple of parks, and I hope to add a few more.

I encourage you to complete the website of Buscaparque.org, the search engine for public playgrounds so that we all find the park to have a good time with our children anywhere in Spain.

Official Site | Buscaparque.org
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