Food alert in Spain about a possible toxic treat

The Spanish Food Safety Agency (AESAN) has decided to extend throughout Spain an alert for the possible toxicity of a liquid candy made in China.

The alert extends after a girl has suffered burns to the tongue in Algemesí (Valencia), possibly due to the intake of the liquid candy that could contain some type of toxic or allergic component yet to be determined, and that also violated the rules of labeling

The Ministry of Health has immobilized the product seized by the Local Police of Algemesí after the burns suffered by the girl, in total there have been 36 candy cans in eleven stores in this municipality.

The alert has been given "by the precautionary principle", but you still have to confirm that the damage caused to the girl was due to that product.

As reported by the Local Police, the liquid candy is packaged in a small round boat of colors; It is a product made in China and imported to Europe by a company in Poland, and is marketed in different formats with illustrations of children's characters, which make them so attractive to children.

The truth is that news like this, even in the absence of confirming the toxicity of the candy, make us reflect on the ease with which many products intended for child consumption arrive in poor conditions, without complying with the basic rules of hygiene, labeling, safety ...

As for the treats, it is better to reduce and limit their consumption, checking that they are of “reliable” origin, that they comply with the labeling rules, although never really, neither with this nor with any food, we are totally safe from cases of poisoning or products in poor condition.

Video: Toxic air might be mutating human DNA + 4 other horror stories (July 2024).